Each month Know My World will be presenting a series of FB Live events with our partnering organizations, SEL in Taiwan and MangaX Technology to discuss each of the core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning. This past month we focused on self-awareness. Although there are many aspects of self-awareness, when it comes to SEL, key focus areas are on recognizing and identifying our emotions and our thoughts. Each free Live event will include a free downloadable resource. Here you can find a teacher guide and student workbook, suitable for all grade levels, focusing on Emotions.
Get the FREE workbooks here: Chinese Version & English Version
Explain the concept of emotions with an emphasis on “motion.” Emotions are a part of life. They are what make us connect to the experiences we have. However, they are constantly changing based on our mood and what is occurring. It is important to not get attached to an emotion or carry it with you for too long because soon it will change.
Be sure to join us for our next FB Live on July 25th where we will focus on the third SEL competency, social-awareness.