Responsible Global Citizens: Elementary Edition
The 5-unit workbook series scaffolds social, emotional and cultural learning beginning with cultural identity, incorporating critical thinking, communication, ownership, and resulting in service-learning. The capstone book of the series, Know My World Evaluation Guidebook, includes an evaluation rubric and leads teachers through an evaluation and assessment process. In addition, this guidebook also provides helpful tips and strategies for evaluating social, emotional and cultural projects at any grade level.
What’s inside each workbook?
- Lesson Sequences
- Vocabulary and Definitions
- Worksheets
- Journal Pages
- Resources
- Activities for Creating a Safe Space
- Critical Questions
- Common Core ELA Standards
Bundle Discount!
Buy all workbooks in this series and the Evaluation Guidebook as a complete curriculum for your semester or school year and receive a 15% discount!
Cost with discount: $34.00 USD
Unit 1: Cultures in the Classroom
How do we identify ourselves and others? Where does identity come from? Cultures in the Classroom introduces the elements of culture and walks teachers through exploring cultural identity in their classroom communities through art, dialogue and writing exercises. The accumulation of this unit is a cultural identity class book that features the richness of student diversity increasing cross-cultural understanding and connection.
Unit 2: Seeing is Being: Perspective
What is your perspective and how is it different from others? Seeing is Being offers teachers a developmental series of projects and exercises to increase students’ awareness and understanding of multiple perspective taking. Using creative arts, role playing and reflective writing, students learn how to value and engage in the experiences of others.
Unit 3: The Impact of Labeling
What are labels? How do they impact the people that they are assigned to? The Impact of Labeling deepens the experience of building community and empathy while introducing skills for effective communication with students. Activities in this unit leverage social and emotional skills practices through journaling, tactile learning, and group dialogue to reduce bullying and support mindfulness.
Unit 4: Conscious Communication: Choosing Words
How can you improve the quality of your words? How do your words affect others? Helping students learn how to express themselves and to choose vocabulary that accurately conveys their emotions is critical to any curriculum. Conscious Communication support teachers in expanding on students’ ability to communicate clearly with others across differences and to take ownership and accountability for their words. Using informational reading, story-telling and role-playing, demonstrate increased strategies for effective global citizenship.
Unit 5: Service-Learning
What are labels? How do they impact the people that they are assigned to? The Impact of Labeling deepens the experience of building community and empathy while introducing skills for effective communication with students. Activities in this unit leverage social and emotional skills practices through journaling, tactile learning, and group dialogue to reduce bullying and support mindfulness.
Evaluation Guidebook:
How can teachers gauge the efficacy of global citizenship education projects in the classroom? What kinds of practices support an assessment of these results? The Know my World Evaluation Guidebook supports teachers in creating an assessment plan for their classroom regarding the development of social, emotional and cultural competence. Included is the Know My World rubric for the Responsible Global Citizens series as well as tips and resources for creating a student portfolio, assessing individual and classroom progress and mapping outcomes for future planning.