Message from the Director: Black Lives Matter

“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” –MLK

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My heart aches for the Black people in my community and my country, as we process, once again, an innocent life being unjustly taken. I stand in solidarity with all the families who have unnecessarily lost loved ones through racist and political oppression, police brutality, abuse of privilege and power, and the inordinate amount of other unjust causes. The numbers of lives lost is unfathomable, and seeing the painful impact is unbearable. These families will never be the same and they are forced to carry their hearts in pieces for the rest of their lives. Of course Black Lives Matter and the fact that, despite the progressiveness of our country, we need to state this obvious truth, is befuddling and heartbreaking. Surely we are better than the history of injustice, malice, prejudice, hate and fear that has festered in this country for far too long.  The outcries of peaceful protesters are loud and clear. It is time to smash the current paradigm of bigotry, stereotypes, racism, injustice and oppression. The collective of humanity is ready for a shift.  

I choose to believe that this darkness is leading us to the light. We are on the cusp of awakening to a breakthrough of consciousness and a new dawn. We are all here together as humans, experiencing life and the precious moments that make it unique and beautiful. Fear driven false beliefs and accusations can no longer rule the day. It is time to tap into our own accountability of justice and to take responsibility for our own awareness and understanding of the social injustices that have been leading our country for centuries. Unite together in appreciation for the diversity of our human race, and wake up! It’s time to contribute to a shift of compassion.  I am doing more to educate myself on the oppression of Black people and POC, and increasing my knowledge of how best to use my privilege to stand as an ally. My heart goes out to all the families suffering from loss, heartache and pain today. I am with you. <3

I invite you to read this article from Forbes that helps explain why it’s necessary to stand in alliance with and support our Black colleagues in the push against systemic racism. This list of incredible resources is included in the article. Let’s take some time to read, process and understand them. 

The light is piercing through. 

Hold on to hope.

Hold on for justice, freedom and peace.

Genevieve Murphy, CEO