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Letter from the Director – June 2020

Holistic Education

What is the goal of education?  According to J. Krishnamurti, “The highest function of education is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life as a whole.”  If we reflect back on our own educational experiences, many of us may feel dissatisfied or disappointed that the emphasized definition of “academic success” focused so heavily on test scores and Grade Point Averages.  Many may feel that our education did not adequately prepare us for the “real world,” or give us the strategies needed to cope with challenges we later faced, both internally and socially.  When asked to identify what gives us a sense of purpose in this life, we may identify the need to feel valued, contribute to meaningful work, or establish healthy relationships with others.  Holistic education highlights the management of personal growth, interconnectedness and relationship building as important themes.  It provides a framework that instills necessary introspective and interpersonal skills needed to prepare students for living a meaningful life of purpose, and highlights this as the modern goal of education.   

When people feel whole, they have a clear understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and where they fit into that picture. They have a sense of self-awareness that leads to confidence and clear calls to action aligned with purpose and values.  They have interpersonal skills that allow them to consciously communicate with others.  They have high levels of emotional intelligence that allow them to identify their feelings and use effective strategies to process them.  They have a clear appreciation for alternative perspectives, and skill sets, and value the insight of others.  They have a balanced ego, and know how to contribute valuable solutions, or work through conflicts, without needing to dominate the situation. They are copiously aware of their thoughts and know how to manage them, so they are not controlled by them.  They are at peace and want to work harmoniously, allowing compassionate intentions to guide their actions.  

Know My World believes in the power of transformation and we see an emphatic need for global transformation in traditional educational constructs which are predicated on the memorization of information, and have been outdated since the invention of the internet. As a team of passionate educators, we are acutely aware of the importance of enriching our education system through holistic practices, which focus on supporting students in acquiring the actual skills they need to be job ready as we embark on the fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0.  What began as our vision nine years ago,  with a focus on cultural awareness and connection has expanded to include important concepts in social and emotional learning (SEL), and now, with the current coronavirus pandemic, we cannot neglect the need to include contemplative practices and mental health strategies. As our model continues to expand, the term holistic education resonates with us, as it encapsulates all that we hold to be valuable in the education of all children around the world.

In wellness and gratitude, 

Genevieve Murphy, CEO